11 Aralık 2020 Cuma



 B.C.  From the late 3000 BC.  The Minoan Civilization, which lasted until the end of 2000 and is generally called Aegean or Pre-Hellenic, lived its golden age in 2000 BC with the palaces built in places such as Knossos, Phaistos, Malia and Zakros.  There is no monumental sculpture in Minoan Crete.  Even the gods were often made in small sizes, finely carved from ivory.

 Cretan art is the art of painting and polychrome decoration.  B.C.  Around 2000, natural plant stylizations, whose technical secret is still unknown and attracting attention with their changing color qualities, are seen in home decorations.  B.C.  While geometric stylization decreases in the multi-colored decorations of the characteristic 'Camares vases' of the 19th century, plant decorations and marine animals begin to come to the fore. Gritian artists showed great skill and skill in the color schemes dominated by red, orange, yellow and white.  B.C.  When we come to the 18th century, wall frescoes gain weight, but we see that the Cretan palaces where these frescoes cover the walls are still burned for unknown reasons.  B.C.  In the 17th century, Cretan palaces were rebuilt.  The excavations reveal that the palaces passed through two different periods.  The event that separates these two periods from each other is BC.  It is highly probable that there was an earthquake that occurred around 1700.  Findings and finds from the ruins reveal that these palaces were decorated with a rich and striking decoration;  Wall paintings of the palace in Knossos, the capital of the Kingdom of Minos, which gave its name to the Cretan Civilization, are particularly striking.  This period is also because of the tight connections of Cretan civilization with Egypt, the Egyptian influence is seen on the frescoes adorning the walls: there is no shadow and perspective.  Again, the lighter body colors of women than men can be attributed to the Egyptian effect.  On the other hand, we must underline that such technical influences are limited and that the understanding of Cretan painting is completely different from that of Egypt.  The painting of Crete first of all adhered to its prototypes and gave a different task to the human depiction that cannot be measured with Egypt.  On the other hand, the effect of religious themes on Cretan wall paintings is controversial.  We can say that there are god depictions among the paintings.

 The sizes of the figures in the wall fresco technique in Cretan painting vary from normal human height to the size of miniatures on the book pages.  Exceptions are of course available;  For example, the height of the whole figure named "Prince with Lily" whose image I shared is close to two meters.  This figure also shows the Egyptian influences, which I mentioned above in technical terms.  One of the most striking features of Cretan painting is that the audience groups watching the shows in some of the wall paintings are chosen as themes.  Sometimes a large crowd watches dances and bull plays on amphitheater-shaped benches.
 Some of the Cretan artists have shown extraordinary success in showing all the details, as well as showing all the details: The female figure, whose image I shared and called "Parisienne" because of its resemblance to the women of the artist Toulouse Lautrec, is one of the best examples of this.  The description is a unique example of the creativity of Minoan artists, with its beauty, upturned nose, big eyes and curls.  When we examine the work created with an impressionist approach, we understand why the Cretan art preferred painting to sculpture that freezes the figure.  Movement sensitivity and expressiveness are decisive in Cretan painting.  The fact that Cretan masters depicted a monkey figure in blue by going beyond reality is a good example for our understanding of the way they look at the world, as well as their desire to express the environment in an attractive and enthusiastic way.

 Thank you for your time and reading.  I hope it was useful.

 Stay with art.

10 Aralık 2020 Perşembe


 From the moment of the primitive formation of our solar system, what happened according to Sumer was developing as follows.
 APSU (GUN) "existed from the beginning"
 TIAMAT (Primal WORLD) "daughter of life" (Virgin Mother)
 MUMMU (MERKÜR) is the reliable assistant and ambassador of "born" Apsu.
 The space between Apsu and Tiamat is not empty, but filled with the primal elements, and the waters of both are mixed together and Lahmu (Mars) and Lahamu (Venus) are born.  Then the other planets respectively.
 TIAMAT (Primary Earth) enters the domain of the Great Comet (Marduk- “Ice Mountain”) and collides with its moons.
 After this collision, the meteor chain called the Hammered Bracelet (separating the waters of the heavens, limiting the heavens and the Earth) forms a border between KI (Earth) and KINGU (Moon), which started to rotate in today's orbits, and the other planets on Mars.
 According to scientists, the Pacific Ocean is seen as the deepest trace of this collision on earth.  It is stated that the transformation of the moon into a devastated planet can also occur with this collision (Scientists state that the Moon has suffered violent collisions of many celestial bodies).
 With this collision, the earth and the moon sit on their new orbits they now have.  The world now has an orbit with day and night.  As the earth's temperature decreases, the vapors turn into water and the earth is divided into lands and oceans.  Evolution, which is accepted today, has begun to take shape on the earth, and primitive living things begin to emerge on the earth.
 The creation story reported in the Torah and the Gospel takes place in the same way ... all the things that are different in the Torah are attributed to the Lord.
 **** ENUMA ELİŞ ****
 ENUMA ELİŞ (Creation)
 It is a total of seven tablets.
 Each tablet conveys the stages of creation.  In the last tablet, creation has been completed and a beautiful celestial system has emerged.  (God is taken to rest)
 According to the Torah, the Bible and the Quran, God completes creation in six days.  The seventh day rest.
 AN (ANU) (Memory, Wisdom, Us) 60
 ANTU (Feminine synonym) 55
 There are six masculine and six feminine deities.  In addition to these great Gods, their children, grandchildren, nephews, cousins, etc. There are also hundreds of Gods assigned to general duties.
 These are generally called ANUN-NAKI (Those Who Descend from Heaven to Earth).
 Only 12 Gods make up the great group of Gods.
 It is stated to be a primitive humanoid creature on earth.  It is stated that this primitive man lived with animals, ate grass and meat like them, drank water like them, could not speak and think with his body covered with hair, could mate with whatever he wanted like animals, did not know the good and the bad, and did not understand the beautiful and the ugly.
 (The story of the development of Enkidu reported in the Tablets of Creation and the Gilgamesh epic) Then the Anunnaki come to earth.  The work they have to do on earth is difficult for them.  They worked alone for a long time, then asked the great God to create an Amelu (Primitive Worker) to help them.
 The Great God decided that this wish and complaints were justified, and he entrusted the great science master ENKI to create a deed.  ENKI says "the creature in question exists on earth."  He replies, "Let us place the image of the Gods on this crude humanoid creature that already exists, so AMELU, which we seek, is born."
 ENKI creates a living thing from the blood of the Gods and the present creature after long years of effort.  His beloved spouse Ninki carries the first created exactly 10 months anniversary.  And finally the expected day comes ADEPU (Lu Amelu) (Son of Workers) (meaning the one of red clay or blood) is born.
 EA (ENKI) and Ninhursag or NINT in Dokku (Woven / Tissue) rooms
 (Nurse, Creator assistant, Life-giving Lady, Physician-Lady of the Rib Bone) and Gods and Goddesses (Specialization in Medicine) responsible for eight separate organs could now produce a large number of deeds.  Each time the Gods / Goddesses were able to produce seven females and seven males in DOKKU chambers.
 This creature was devoid of knowing, working naked in the garden of Eden to see the works of the Gods.  The most important of these was not breeding.
 After a while in the garden of Eden (we do not know the real reasons because of the broken tablets) there is a very serious conflict between the gods.  Enlil and Enki blame each other.  The angry Enki creates what is now completely one of the Gods, not only in his image who resembles God, but is identical with God this time with his knowledge.  HUMAN..
 He resembled the HUMAN Gods in everything.  And An / u (Great God) "Now you have created what is like yourself, the one who knows all kinds of good and evil like you". He will give birth through suffering now ..
 Although the creation story of the Torah, the Bible and the Quran has been corrupted in some places, they are almost all the same.  The great scientist and wise physician Enki was identified with his work and actions (also because of its resemblance to the structure of DNA, which is his field of occupation), always the serpent (Bible: Nahash = snake Sumer: NHSH = snake / deciphering, seeking and finding.  ) with the figure ..
 When the created Adam and Eve learned to know, they were expelled from Eden by Enlil and placed in the east of Eden. Then they had many children.
 Gods and Goddesses liked and loved the earth sons and daughters (Ki-Engi) who were like them. When they started having sexual relations…. !! ..
 The greatest God or supreme deity (AN) shouted "Enough!"
 “My soul will not protect man forever;  He made a mistake because he is flesh. "
 Because human beings were returning to their animal roots.
 Now there was confusion and these people were making a lot of noise and disturbing the peace of the God / player.  In fact, the end of the last ice age, which was the inevitable catastrophe, was the opportunity for this. People were unaware and they would all disappear into the water.
 Enki would not have informed the pure and clean Zi-Usu-Dra (when read with Turkish phonetics; Izi Su Tengri) to create a new generation after the wall (reeds) and let him build a ship.
 The flood destroyed everything on the ground. The gods were watching what was happening far from the earth ..
 A tablet tells them.
 "The gods were frightened like dogs, leaning against the outer wall and crouching. Inanna shouting like a woman in labor," Alas the old days turned to clay. The Anunnaki and all the Gods cried with her .. "
 After the flood was over, Noah (Zi Usu Dra) sacrificed sacrifices for God / the player. The smell of the cooked meat aroused the appetite of God / chaos.
 And the Lord (Genesis) "I will no longer curse the earth because of man, because the imagination of man has been bad since he was young."

9 Aralık 2020 Çarşamba

Who are these Olympians?

Who are these Olympians?

 The dispute between Zeus and Kronos shook the Earth and the heavens.  After the war was won, a new generation took over the administration: the Olympians.  These are gods and goddesses known for their heroism throughout classical mythology.  The reign of the Olympians brought balance and stability to the universe, and their rule was far from boring.  These gods and goddesses had strong personalities and were governed by strong emotions.  Now you will meet the mighty Olympians.

 Main Six Olympians

 After Kronos was defeated by his own children, he lost his strength.  With the defeat of Kronos, the conflict within the family ended.  The children of Kronos united and shared their kingdom among them.  However, they needed a leader and unanimously elected Zeus.  In the following titles you will get to know the six main Olympian gods and goddesses.


 Zeus drew the heavens in the draw, which made him the lord of both the gods and the sky.  Depictions of Zeus show him wearing a helmet, holding one of his lightning bolts, and protected by aegis (chest armor or shield).  He usually has an eagle as his servant, symbolizing his power.
 After the fall of Kronos, his three sons - Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, divided their domains into three.  They made lots for this.  The three shared domains of domination were the heavens, seas, and the realm of the dead.  (Mount Olympus would remain the land of all gods, no gods would rule here.)


 Poseidon drew the seas as his domain of domination.  In myths, Poseidon appears as a cruel god, often associated with savage sea storms and earthquakes.  In his depictions, he is seen as tall, with a long beard, holding the trident spear made by the Kyklops in the war against Kronos.  He is also portrayed with seashells and various sea creatures.  Poseidon was also associated with horses;  Ancient people dreamed that there were rearing horses in strong waves beating the shore.
 According to some myths, Poseidon created or tamed the horses.  It was said that he gave horses as a gift to those whom he considered privileged, and that the magnificent chariot was pulled by horses or giant creatures like horses.


 The third brother, Hades, drew the Underworld, the realm of the dead, from the draw.  Just as the Greek Underworld was not the same as the Christian concept of hell, nor was Hades evil or demonic.  In Greek mythology, Hades appears as a character who loves solitude and is not interested in the world of the living.  In his depictions, he usually holds a key indicating the position of the god that holds the dead locked in a place separate from the world of the living.  Like Poseidon, Hades has been associated with horses;  some myths say that the horses were created not by Poseidon, but by Hades.


 Zeus' sisters did not participate in the lottery, but they also had their own power.  The lands ruled by Hera, Hestia, and Demeter were indispensable to an ordered universe.


 Hera was the eldest of the Greek goddesses.  As Zeus' sister and wife, she was also the queen of the heavens.  Hera, who was jealous and vengeful, had a quick temper and a frightening ambition.  She was the guardian of spouses, advocate of marriage and goddess of birth.  His depictions emphasized his royal stature: he looked tall and majestic, and carried a royal scepter in his hand.  The bird accompanying him was a peacock.


 Hestia, the goddess of the family hearth and home, does not appear in many of the myths that have survived until today.  However, in Antiquity, every household is thought to have considered it sacred and worshiped it.  Hestia was associated with virginity.


 Demeter's name means "Mother Earth".  However, it should not be confused with Gaia.  Gaia was the land itself.  Demeter, his grandson, had control over land crops, fertility and agriculture.  Demeter loved being close to the land.  Although his sister Hestia never left Mount Olympus, Demeter rarely stayed there and spent most of his time on Earth, above the ground.  Demeter is usually depicted sitting, and in his depictions he holds a torch or a bundle of crops.  Its bird is a crane and its animal is a snake.

 Other Olympians

 The original Olympians were these six gods and goddesses, but they were only half the story.  There were twelve great Olympians in total, each playing an important role in keeping the order of the universe.  In this section, you will get to know the other six.


 Ares, the god of war, lived to fight and shed blood, and he greatly enjoyed the struggle of people with each other.  Ares is mentioned in many poems and myths.  He was worshiped in Sparta, especially before every war.  Depictions of Ares show him wearing an armor and a helmet and carrying a spear, sword and shield in his hand.  The animals it has been identified with are dogs and vulture.  Although Ares was the god of war, he was not always victorious.  In fact, he had been defeated in many battles throughout the myths.


 Athena, the goddess of wisdom, was equally revered by mortals and immortals.  He was also the goddess of war, crafts, and talent.  However, unlike Ares, Athena was not bloodthirsty.  He would have preferred peace over war.  Still, he proved to be a unique strategist who dominated the battlefield every time he went into battle.  Athena is often depicted wearing armor, a helmet, and aegis.  He carries a spear and a shield in his hand.  He is identified with the owl, the symbol of wisdom, and is often depicted with an owl on his shoulder.
 What is an Aegis?
 It is said that the aegis, the shield or breastplate of Athena, was built by Hephaistos, the iron master of Mount Olympus.  Hephaistos added the severed head of the Gorgon Medusa to the aegis.  Because Medusa's frightening gaze turns people into stone, aegis has become an effective weapon that paralyzes enemies out of fear.  The word Aegis has also entered modern-day English;  Means "protection" or "support".


 Since Artemis was the goddess of the hunt, she did not show much interest in anything other than the thrill of following the hunt.  He roamed the mountains with a Nympha gang and hunted animals (and sometimes men).  Although hunting was his primary business, Artemis was also the guardian of children, wild animals and the weak.  According to legend, his arrows could kill in an instant, without causing pain.  Still, you wouldn't want to see its reverse.  From time to time, Artemis could also be a goddess of hatred and revenge.
 In his depictions, Artemis is often depicted carrying his favorite weapon: the arrow and the bow.  Some myths depict her as a girl - a virgin of infinite youth - who is as wild as the animals she both hunted and protected.  Since all wild animals fall under his dominion, he is not specifically identified with a single animal, but is often depicted with a male deer or a hunting dog.

 Twin Brothers

 If Hera had achieved her goal, Artemis and her brother Apollo would never have been born.  When Zeus had a love affair with Leto, Hera was determined to do her best to prevent a child born from this union.  However, Leto managed to escape from Artemis and gave birth, first giving birth to Artemis.  The newborn Artemis helped her mother, who had intense labor pain for nine days, as a result of which Apollo was born.  Artemis and Apollo became her fiery protectors, as their mother suffered so much for them.


 Apollo, the twin brother of Artemis, is the god of archery, music and poetry.  While his sister lives solely for hunting, Apollo is a god whose hand is good at anything and enjoys many different things.  While he is a shepherd who sometimes keeps sheep or cows;  sometimes it can be a very talented musician.  Apollo is also an important god in matters of priesthood and treatment.  It has the ability to both make sick and heal.
 Since Apollo was involved in many arts, there is not a single depiction.  You can see him play his lyre, shoot arrows, or ride a chariot.  Nevertheless, the only thing common to all depictions of Apollo is his extraordinary beauty, considered to be flawless.  Apollo is associated with many different animals - wolf, deer, dolphin, crow, vulture and swan - and the laurel tree.


 Hermes was the god of commerce, travel and sports.  He would bring luck to people, guide travelers and merchants, and act as a protector against thieves and scammers.  Hermes, renowned for his agility and athleticism, was an extremely active god.  He was one of the few gods who could enter and leave the Underground.  However, probably his most familiar task is as a messenger for the gods.
 Hermes is often depicted wearing a winged hat and winged sandals, representing his quickness (which is a good attribute for a messenger).  Sometimes he is seen carrying a golden ambassador staff or a staff with two snake heads.  Hermes was a trickster who could be damaging, but he also had a good heart.


 Almost everyone has heard of the name Aphrodite, the goddess of love.  (You may also know him by the name Venus, which was given by the Romans.) In some myths, Aphrodite is presented as a strange, even slightly absurd character;  in some he is portrayed as a generous and benevolent goddess who is as revered as the other Olympians.  Regardless of his character, Aphrodite has always been lustful.
 Aphrodite was beautiful, with a sweet and seductive smile.  In myths about him, there are almost always love affairs;  either he is having a love adventure or he is involved in the adventures of others.  Aphrodite was identified with dove, and its plants were rose and myrtle.

 Hephaistos was Aphrodite's husband.  You might think that the goddess of love was married to a handsome and attractive man.  However, this was not the case with the Olympians.  In fact, Hephaistos, the sons of Zeus and Hera, was expelled from heaven as soon as he was born due to his ugliness and injuries.  Hephaistos, the god of fire, blacksmithing, craftsmanship and metalworking, built magnificent palaces for gods and goddesses, and made armor to those they saw privileged.  Because he was a talented craftsman, there seemed to be nothing he could not build.  Hephaistos was associated with volcanoes that were considered to have workshops.
 According to some myths, Hephaistos was born healthy, without any injury.  Hephaistos took the side of Hera in a dispute with Zeus.  Enraged, Zeus threw him down from the heavens.  Hephaestus fell for nine days, eventually landing on an island.  This not so smooth fall crippled him.


 Dionysos was the god of the vines, wine and drunk spirits.  While most Olympians despised mortals, Dionysos was in direct contact with his mortal followers.  His religious festivals often turned into ecstatic rites.  The greatest gift of Dionysus to humanity was wine, which alleviated human suffering for a while.  As all gods could be, Dionysus could sometimes be cruel.  Dionysus is often identified with vineyards, dance, music, wine, madness and sexuality
 While there should have been a total of twelve great Olympians, you may have noticed that fourteen of them are described in this chapter.  No, you did not count it wrong.  It is said that Dionysos replaced Hestia, who disappeared from mythology over time.  Another god that is often excluded from the count is Hades.  His land was the Underground, he rarely visited Mount Olympus.  For this reason, he is not considered one of the great Olympian gods.

 * Dr.  Nancy Conner - Classical Mythology in Every Aspect - Olympians.

Library of Alexandria 

library of Alexandria 

 Science lantern of antiquity

 ancient-cagin science-lantern
 Library, Alexander the Great BC.  It was founded in 332 in the city of Alexandria in Egypt.  After the death of Alexander the Great, it was founded by Ptolemy, the son of Commander Logus, who did not like wars, and remained the world's largest archive for 300 years.  Ptolemy, who declared his kingdom in Egypt, never had the goal of expanding the borders of the country.  He won the love of the people by adhering to Egyptian traditions and religions.
 2,300 years ago, the rulers of Alexandria set out with one of humanity's most daring goals;  to gather all the information in the world under one roof.  At its heyday, the library of Alexandria had unique scrolls and attracted the attention of the most successful of the Greek realm.  But, BC.  At the end of the 5th century, this large library was destroyed.  Most people believed the library was destroyed in a devastating fire.  The facts behind the rise and fall of the library are more complex.

 The idea of ​​such a library originated from Alexander the Great.  After being known as "the Conqueror", Aristotle's former student gave all his attention to Alexandria to establish an empire of knowledge in the city he named.  He died before its construction began, but his successor Ptolemy I realized the plans of Alexander the Great for the museum and the library.
 The Library of Alexandria, in the city's royal district, may have been built with massive Hellenistic columns, local Egyptian influences, or a unique combination of the two, but there is no surviving evidence of its architecture.  We know there are lecture theaters, classrooms, and of course racks.  As soon as the building was completed, Ptolemy I began to fill the building primarily with Greek and Egyptian scrolls.  He invited scholars to work and live in Alexandria and the library began to grow with their manuscripts, but the Alexandrian rulers still wanted a copy of every book in the world.

 Fortunately, Alexandria was a hub for ships passing through the Mediterranean.  III.  Ptolemy enacted a law requiring every ship anchored in Alexandria to turn over their books for copying.  After the library's scribes copied the texts, they took the original texts and sent the copies back to the ships.  Held-for-money book hunters scoured the entire Mediterranean for new texts, and the Alexandrian rulers tried to suppress their rivals by ending the export of Egyptian papyrus used for parchment-making.

 These efforts resulted in hundreds of thousands of books to arrive in Alexandria.  As the library grew, it became easier to find information on many topics than before, but also harder to find information on any topic.  Fortunately, Callimachus of Kiren began working on a solution by preparing 120-volume boards, the first of its kind, showing the contents of the library.

 Using the billboards, people could navigate through the library's crowded collection.  They made some surprising discoveries.  1600 years before Christopher Columbus set sail, Eratosthenes not only noticed that the earth was round, but calculated the circumference and diameter of the earth within a few miles of its true size.  Heron of Alexandria invented the world's first steam engine a thousand years before it was reinvented during the Industrial Revolution.  B.C.  About 300 years after its foundation in 283, the library prospered.
 But then, BC.  In 48, Julius Caesar besieged Alexandria and set the ships in the harbor on fire.  For years, scholars believed that the library burned as the fire spread throughout the city, and it is possible that the expanding collection was destroyed in the fire, but we know from ancient writings that scholars continued to visit the library centuries after the siege.  Ultimately, the library slowly disappeared as the city fell from Greeks to Romans, Christians, and eventually Muslims.  Instead of being proud of the library's content, every new manager who came to the top saw it as a threat.  B.C.  In 415, Christian rulers murdered a mathematician named Hypatia because they deemed the study of Ancient Greek texts unreligious.

 Even if the Library of Alexandria and its numerous texts are long gone, we are still struggling to find the best way to gather, access, and preserve our knowledge.  Today there is more information available and we have more advanced technologies to protect it, but we cannot know for sure that our digital archives will be more resistant to destruction than Alexandria's ink and paper scrolls.  Even if our reservoirs of knowledge are physically safe, they will have to be more resistant to insidious forces such as the fear of information and the arrogant belief that the past is the past that divides a library.  This time the difference is that we know what to prepare for.

8 Aralık 2020 Salı



 The first written law in Anatolia BC.  It is known that it belongs to the Hittites who lived in Anatolia in the 2nd millennium BC.  The Hittite laws were inscribed on clay tablets, not on an inscription like the Hammurabi laws.  Consisting of two large series, these laws begin with the words "If a man" and "If binds".

 These tablets, which were later numbered by scientists, consist of 200 items as far as we know.  Hittite Law is not divided into sections such as inheritance, commercial law, civil law, criminal law, as in modern law.  Although there are no articles on inheritance, adoption and debt law, there are articles containing family law in the uncovered tablets.

 Death penalties in Hittite laws where compensation was valid instead of the principle of retaliation (an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth);  It is given in rare cases, such as defying the king's order, sexual crimes, and using magic.  However, the king can forgive a person sentenced to death.  The Hittite laws, which imposed compensation even for murder crimes, do not recognize any punishment other than death for sexual crimes.  The abundance of articles related to sexual crimes also reveals the importance the Hittites gave to the protection of moral values.

 There are quite a few death sentences in the text of the law, which consists of approximately 200 articles, and this has often been the case for crimes such as rape, incest, sexual intercourse with animals, and opposition to the state authority.

 The last part of the Hittite constitution is devoted to sexual relations.

 According to the law 187, "a man who sinned with a cow is disgusting. Must be killed. Must be brought before the king. The king may kill or forgive him, but the man must not approach the king."

 .  Law 188 is the same, but it is "sheep", not "cow".

 * 199th law is the same, but it is "pig and dog".

 200th law: "There is no punishment for a man who sinned with a horse or a mule. But he must not approach the king and become a priest."
   The society we know as Hittites today is the Nessi who settled in Anatolia after the Hatti.  Because before the Hittites settled in Anatolia, the people living in central Anatolia called themselves Hatti.  The Hatti society was a stable society in ANATOLIA, which was allegedly 'not able to be resolved in its language' although it is known that many of the basic words were Turkish, developed in the field of agriculture and especially medicine, medical researches etc. conducted for older women to have children, and developed in terms of civilization level.  Although the administration changed hands in the following periods, religion and state administration remained dependent on the principles of the Hatti;  kings continued to call themselves the kings of HITIT, not HATTI country.

  Like the Indians, the ancient Egyptians also called the Hittites Chetta or Hetta, and the Hittite kings were called Hetta-sira.  The ancient Egyptian script was realized by Jean-Françoise Champollion in 1824 with the translation of the rosetta stone.  In the Kadesh treaty made between the Hittites and the ancient Egyptians, the Hittites are also referred to as Chedda.  (The same word, which is the root of the word CED (Ata), also corresponds to the term Akıncı in Serbs / the word 'gang' in some societies.)

 ** The Hittites were the least discriminatory nation in their period in terms of social class distinction and they were a state of law peculiar to them.  The Hittites would not return their asylum seekers to the other country.  However, there is an article in the KADEŞ agreement stating that they will return.

 *** They freed the people who took refuge in them about their beliefs in exchange for paying tribute or sending soldiers to the state.  City structures were built around the temple in the Hittites.  It is surrounded by inner and outer walls.  The city has at least a few main entrance gates and many small gates for pedestrians.  The main gates are decorated with lion or god reliefs.
 ** In the town of Beth Shan in Israel, a lion embossment of a Hittite stone belonging to 1700 BC was found.  The town of Beth Shan is located on the Jordan River in northern Israel.

 ** City gates had a very special meaning in the Hittites.  Only noble and respectable people could use the main gates.  In times of peace, these main gates were used like an agora (meeting place).  The council of elders gathers here, and commercial agreements are made here.  Information transactions were made here in front of the public.

      ** The name of the Hatti Society / country is also mentioned in the Torah and the Quran.  While the adventures of Ibrahim and his sister Sara with the Hittite / Hatti country and even Isaac and Rebecca's policy of marrying their sons to Hittite girls;  It is seen that Rebecca helped the administration to pass to YAKUP and not to the other son, and for some reason prevented her son from marrying Hittite girls.  On the other hand, Yakup's brother ESAU (İSA) took a position on the side of his uncle İSMAİL and enabled his lineage to advance from Hittite women.

 ** Torah Creation 23rd chapter: Abraham bowed before the Hittites, the people of the country, said Hıtta (shepherd or addressed the Hittites):
 8 He said, "If you want me to bury death, ask Efron son of Sohar for me."
 9 "Let him sell me the Makpela Cave at the bottom of his field. I will pay the price in full in your presence and make it a cemetery."
 10 Hittites were sitting among the people of Efron.  In a way that everyone gathered at the city gate will hear,
 11 "No, sir!"  he replied, "Listen to me, I give you the field with the cave. I give it to you in the presence of my people. Bury your dead."
 12 Abraham bowed before the people of the land.

 *** Quran Baccarat: 58.  Verse: You know, “Enter this town.  Eat there as much as you wish.  Enter prostrate from the door and say "hıtta!"  Say, and we forgive your mistakes.  We said, “We will give even more to those who do good”.

 *** It is mentioned in Elmalılı commentary as follows:

 58- And when we said that you can enter this town, the place of Bayt-i Makdis or the town of Jericho and eat plenty of it wherever you want or however you like.  And when you enter, enter through the door, also bowing your heads, and thank God, do not enter with arrogance, dribbling, and indolence, and say "hıtta" there, so that we will forgive you your mistakes under these circumstances, that is, let us cover your plagues with our mercy.  And let us also inform you that we will bestow more on those who do good, do good and good, and do well.

 * In the interpretation of Asam, it is said that "hıtta" is a word that must be spelled exactly, not in Arabic, and other commentators said that it is the bâ-i nev'î (masdar that declares variety) in Arabic.

7 Aralık 2020 Pazartesi

Mesopotamian Civilizations and Ascension to the Skies -Miraç

Mesopotamian Civilizations and Ascension to the Skies -Miraç
 In the ancient Mesopotamian tradition, there was a prevalent belief that any appointment on earth could happen in the council of gods made in the divine realm.  While kings and viziers are appointed to these roles, and second-order gods are appointed as gods, they are elevated to the divine skies where supreme gods are located.  There, they were admitted to the council of gods that convened under the presidency of the supreme God and were appointed to their new positions in that assembly.  It is possible to find this imagination existing in the ancient Mesopotamian tradition in various documents.  For example, according to one text, the king of Sippar, Enmeduranki, is summoned by God Shamash to the council of gods in the divine realm to be appointed as king.  In the presence of the Enmeduranki gods, Shamash and Adad placed a great golden throne, sanctified, and taught secrets and wisdom.  In addition, the gods give Enmeduranki a bag containing the tablets written by them and the secrets of the earth and sky.  In addition, he is given a scepter as a sign of his kingdom.

 Another Mesopotamian king, Nabunaid (the last Babylonian king), on the other hand, goes to the divine realm with a vision realized by God Ilteri and observes various secrets and wisdom there.

 As a final example, the Babylonian king Hammurabi takes his famous law book from God Shamash in the realm of the gods where he ascended to be appointed to the kingdom.  The similarity between the idea that Hammurabi brought the book consisting of legal orders from the divine realm and the idea that Moses brought the sacred tablets containing the ten commandments from the heavenly realm, which is present in various Jewish literature, is striking.

 In the texts of ancient Mesopotamia (Sumerian and Akkadian inscriptions), Mesopotamian kings are mentioned as "the person sent".  This nickname fits with the belief that they are sent or commissioned by God.  When we consider this nickname used for kings in the light of the examples we have given above, it is understood that the kings were sent to the earth to fulfill their mission after they ascended to the divine realm and were appointed there and received some sacred teachings, secrets and wisdom.

 Some researchers, notably G. Widengren, are of the opinion that this ascension vision, which existed in the ancient Mesopotamian tradition, subsequently influenced the ascetic imaginations in Jewish, Christian and some other cultures.

 In Sumerian mythology, it is told that the hero Adapa (the first created human), who was patronized by the god Enki, was taken to the presence (sky) of An, the god of the skies, to punish him because he broke his wings by angering the south wind that capsized his boat while fishing in the sea.  According to the story, An wants to kill the daring Adapa but comes to mercy with the intercessions of Dumuzi and Ningishzida;  He gives him bread and water that give eternal life to Adapa.  Thus, he wants to perpetuate him.  But Adapa, who recalls the warning of his former patron Enki not to eat anything, refrains from eating the water with this bread, the content of which he does not know, so both himself and the entire human race are deprived of eternal life.
 There are three types of imagination of ascension from the earth to the heavenly realms in the Sabaiism, which constitutes a typical example of the Gnostic understanding of religion.  The first two of these relate to the savior (redeemer or master) who was sent down to earth in order to convey the divine message to the spirits and spirits who escaped from the body and earth prison when the earthly life ended and went to the realm of light, which is their homeland, and then ascended to their original homeland.  As we mentioned at the beginning, these two ascension visions are not related to the ascension motif.  On the other hand, the third type of ascension imagination present in the Sâbiî tradition exhibits an example of an ascension.  This is the ascension or ascendant vision of the Dinanukht in Ginza.

 The sixth chapter of Ginza, which is the most important sacred book of the Sabaeans, is titled "Dinanukht's Book".  The main subject of this chapter is about Dinanukht's journey to the divine realms.  Dinanukht, whose name means "speaking in accordance with religion" in terms of dictionary meaning, is a mythological personality.
 While Dinanukht was sitting in a wet place, thinking to himself, another mythological figure, Disai, comes and tells him about the existence of Life (God), truth, light, light, truth, false, dark and destruction.  Thereupon, various questions arise in Dinanukht's mind about all these vital concepts closely related to the Sâbiî doctrine.  Finally he falls asleep.  The divine messenger Din Milik Uthra comes to him and takes him on a spiritual journey to the superphysical realms.

 Dinanukht is carried to the heavenly realms by winds, storms and stairs.  Din Milik Uthra primarily transports him through the seven planets.  After crossing the seven planets, Dinanukht reaches the divine realm of light;  He sees the spirits that reside here in the realm of light, past and future generations, and various blessings in the realm of light.  He also finds the opportunity to see and learn his own space here, in his final liberation from the earth.  Furthermore, Dinanukht gets the opportunity to solve all his problems and find answers to his problems related to life, true knowledge, goodness, light, evil and darkness that occupy his mind while on earth.  He learns the truth about life, that is, the supreme God and true knowledge.

 After all, he is tasked with returning to earth and conveying the divine message and teachings he saw, learned and received here.  Dinanukht does not agree to this at first and he wants to stay there, saying "I would rather eat dust in this realm than return to earth".  However, the divine messenger insists on the need for him to descend to the earth, to convey and teach the divine message to people there until the end of his life.  In addition, the divine messenger gives him the good news that he will return to this realm when he finishes his life on earth.

 Thereupon, Dinanukht returns to earth again.  When he completes this vision and opens his eyes, he sees at his bedside that his friends and relatives are crying for him, thinking he is dead.  Then he stands up and tries to direct people to the truth in line with the divine messages he received in the ascension.

 According to this chapter in Ginza, when Dinanukht completes his life on earth, his soul leaves his dead body and the earth and rises again to his place in the realm of light, which he had previously seen during his ascetic experience.  But this time it will stay there forever.

 Some Resources:
 - For an example of some secondary Mesopotamian gods appearing in the assembly of gods and being appointed by the supreme God in that assembly, see.  Widengren, The Ascension, pp. 17-18.

 - Widengren, The Ascension, pp. 7-8.  M. Eliade claims that the origin of the ascension (ascension) motif in Islam, Judaism, Gnostic religions, and various other traditions is this Ancient Mesopotamian tradition of Knmeduranki.  See.  Eliade, A History of Religion Idea, vol.3, p.70.

 - Drower-Macuch, A Mandaic Dictionary, p. 108.  Also see.  Buckley,

 - These seven planets, according to the Sâbiî belief, are evil watch stations that surround the earth and try to prevent the souls from leaving the earth.  See.  Rudolph, K., Mandaeism, Leiden (1978), p.15



 Alexander the Great certainly wanted to conquer the Persian Empire after ascending the throne.  In the spring of 334 BC, he set out with his army from the city of Amphipolis in Central Macedonia.  In May of the same year, the first major battle of Alexander the Great in his Asian expedition, which crossed the Dardanelles Strait, took place on the banks of the Granikos river in the north-east of Troas.  Proceeding along the Gallipoli Peninsula, Alexander the Great visits the grave of “Protasilaos”, one of the Iliad heroes, and makes a great fire here.  Then he crosses the ship and comes to Troy to show his respect to Achilles, the great warrior of the Iliad.  According to Greek and Roman period writers, the tomb of Achilles was located in Beşike-Sivritepe tumulus.  This visit was of great importance for Alexander, as he believed that his ancestry was descended from his mother's wife, Andromachhe, the wife of Hector of Troy, and Achilles of Akha, who was the enemy of Hector.  Besike Cape, located on the sea shore, is also referred to as "Achilleion" in sources.

 Alexander then meets with his army in Abydos and marches towards the city of Perkote.  Perkote is an Anatolian city mentioned in the Iliad, and means "High Fortress" in Luwi-Pelasg language.  The Mekodon army, which has set up camp in the Arisbe plain called Zelia, moves towards the east and reaches Lampsakos (Lapseki).  After that, the city of "Daskyleion", which is the center of Persian Satrap, is located.  Lapseki settlement is an ancient Anatolian city known as "Pityausa" before the Hellenic migrations, and the name Lampsakos comes from Lampseke, the daughter of King Mandrom.  It is known that there is the picture of a winged horse (Pegasus) on the coins minted in this city.

 The Macedonian army Granikos confronts the Persian army for the first time around the Biga stream.  War is tough.  There were also Greek mercenaries in the Persian army.  As the commander of the mercenaries in the Persian army, Memnon knew very well the power of the Macedonian phalanxes and suggested to draw the Persian army into the country instead of fighting them face to face.  As they retreated they would destroy all crops and food.  Thus, the Macedonian army following them would be weakened by hunger and their supply routes would have been cut.  Memnon's proposal was not accepted by the Persians, and the attack was immediately launched in line with the decision of the Persian war council.  The strategic importance of this region, which was between the ancient Troas and the border of Mysia, was great.  For this reason, it has been described as "The Gates of Asia".  In addition, the roads connecting Daskyleion, the capital of Hellespontos Phygia satrapy, to Kyzikos and Lampsakos passed here.  Although the election of Granikos seemed to give the Persians an advantage because they forced Alexander to fight on a battlefield they determined, the war did not end as they had hoped.

 The Persian army relied on their cavalry.  It is difficult to pinpoint the exact course of the war.  The most reliable source on this subject is the information provided by Diodoros or Arrianos.  The Persian cavalry, consisting of approximately twenty thousand soldiers, is about 2.5 km on the slopes east of the Granikos plain.  long, it was lined up to be sixteen rows of cavalry.  On the left wing, Greek mercenaries of unknown number and soldiers from their own land took positions, while the Cilician satrap Arsames, then Hellespontos Phrigian satrap Arsites with the Paphlogonians and Lydia and Ionian satrap Spithridates with the Hyrkanian cavalry.  It is not certain who the main great power at the center was, but probably the Capadokians under the rule of the satrap Mithrovouzanes.  The right wing, on the other hand, was held by two thousand Bactrian cavalry, the other two thousand under the command of the Reominthas, and one thousand Medli.  Less than twenty thousand Persian infantry were placed behind the cavalry line.  In this case, the number of Greek mercenaries in the Persian army should not exceed five thousand.  Alexander the Great drove five thousand hundred cavalry and thirteen thousand infantry on the battlefield.  While he himself took command of the right wing, he placed the famous Pharmenion on the left wing.  Although Alexander's life was in danger during the collision, Kleitos was rescued.

 In addition to many factors, his strategy ability played a major role in Alexander's victory in the first major battle in Asian territory.  The professional soldiers called the 'Phalanx', who formed the center of the Macedonian army, played a major role in the victory.  This military unit, known for its six-meter long spears, overcame the Persians, who were superior in number.  The famous commander Pharmenion also played an important role.

 The Granikos War was the war in which a large part of the Persian force in western Anatolia was destroyed in an instant, and the Western Anatolian gates were opened in front of Alexander the Great.  In this war, the Persians lost their lives as well as many high-ranking commanders, while the Macedonians lost only twenty-five hetairoi, sixty cavalry, and thirty infantry.

 B.C.  In June 334, the capital of the Persian satrap Lydia, Sardes, which was the beginning of the famous King's Road, was captured.  Heading towards the Ionian shores, Alexander the Great then comes to Ephesus.  Alexander the Great, BC.  Although he offered to pay money for the reconstruction of the Temple of Artemis, which Herostratus burned to be famous, in 356, the proud people of Ephesus refused this.

 Lysimakhos, one of the generals of Alexander, rebuilt the city named after his wife Arsinoe in Ephesus and a new port was built and the city was moved to the slopes of Panayırdağ and Bülbüldağ.  After this date, Ephesus has become one of the most important commercial ports of the Mediterranean.

 Magnesia ad Meandrum (Aydın Province, Germencik District) established by Magnets from Thessaly in the same year surrenders without resisting to Alexander and Miletos is besieged.  The governor of the desperate city first agrees to surrender, but when he hears that 400 Persian ships are approaching, he gives up his decision.  At that moment, Miletus, the Macedonian fleet of 160 ships under the command of Parmenion's son Nicanor, which I mentioned briefly above, comes before him, which is also the first sea war of Alexander against the Persians.  Miletos falls.

 Although the Halicarnassians resisted Alexander for three months, Alexander eventually seized the city and Ada, the Karian princess, took over the administration.  Alexander the Great has now completely conquered Western Anatolia.

 B.C.  In the spring of 333, Alexander the Great, following the Mediterranean coastal road, connected the cities of Xanthos (Kinik), Antiphellos (Kas), Phaselis (Phaselis), Perge, Aspendos and Sagalassos near Burdur one by one, heading towards Central Anatolia to Ankara and from there to Cappadocia and  It goes south over Cilicia.

  Persian ruler III.  Darius confronts Alexander once again, knowing that he is next.  B.C.  In the autumn of 333, he suffers a decisive defeat in the famous Battle of Issos on the coast of Pinaros (Deliçay) and escapes, leaving his family on the battlefield.